Are you looking for a reliable and safe VHF radio from a company with a distinguished record for quality? The ICOM M25 Handheld Floating VHF Radio is for you! The third-generation floating radio from the company that invented floating radios. Compact, easy-to-use M24 is the smallest floating VHF radio yet, but it packs a punch with a powerful battery (1450mAh). Plus, it is nearly impossible to lose. If you drop your M24 overboard, it floats bottom-up, and its exclusive “Float ‘n’ Flash” feature alerts you with a bright LED on the radio bottom that begins signaling. This signal can occur even if the radio is turned off! Extensive, well-spaced controls and all the boater-friendly features ICOM marine radios are known for. This radio can last for up to 12 hours, making it one of the longest-lasting models on the market. Call us today to see if the ICOM M25 Handheld Floating VHF Radio can work for you.
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